Happy Spouse, Happy House…

It struck me the other day that I’ve been having a tough time over the past year or so. I’m navigating a lot of change:

  • Sold our house in CA (I loved that house, and the security it provided)
  • Accepted the need to get rid of many belongings with deep sentimental value
  • Moved 3 times, one move was to a new country and away from my “community”
  • Husband retired and I’m working from home …we’re together a lot
  • A lot of travel and home renovations
  • And chronologically I must be experiencing some hormonal…flux…(I’m 51) (OK not chronologically alone… if we look at my behavior I’ve been doing some weird stuff…)

I’ve been displaying some undesirable behaviors …Lots of anger, irritability as well as some sleep and weight issues… and through it all I’ve kind of bounced between 2 themes of thought re: solutions:

1. More exercise/meditation will keep me balanced

2. If my husband would do x or stop doing y …things would be easier.

Number 1 is conscious and in the forefront of my mind.

Number 2 was not. It was hidden in snippy remarks and eye rolls about annoyances such as dishes left in the sink or the TV being too loud or socializing.

This of course started leading to arguments and more often than not I would find myself saying things like “well if you would just say blah blah blah or if you would not do blah blah blah we wouldn’t be having this argument.”

After one of those corrective coaching sessions led to my husband saying something to the effect of “I’m tired of always being wrong” a little bell went off in my head and all the sudden I thought “Oh! Wait a minute – how come the rules of our house are dictated by the way I think things should be?”

Why do I care if there are dishes in the sink for a couple of hours? And I’m not talking about a stack of dishes, I’m talking about a coffee cup and a couple of plates. How come paper towels should only be used in certain circumstances and certain quantities? If we don’t have to get up in the morning why can’t we have friends over in the middle of the week? If we do have friends over in the middle of the week and I need to get up earlier than our friends do – why can’t I go to bed?

When I started thinking about it I realized a whole lot of this was driven by a need for stability and security which was being reflected as control.

So much of the above stuff comes also from the same kind of mindset that says “happy wife, happy life” which often is accompanied by a conversation that describes what a wife will or will not “let her husband do”.

I realized I was following rules and scripts that are part of our main stream society; I wasn’t treating myself and my husband is individuals – I was following the pattern that we’ve all been observing since we were little kids.

I don’t want a life that is centered around my husband having to make me happy. I want a life where we both feel loved and appreciated and like we have the space to be who we are.

I believe that if we’re going to have quippy sayings out there to reflect general marriage advice it should be “happy spouse, happy house”! 💞

Update – I drafted this a few months ago and had held off on posting it. I have to say, me taking more responsibility for my point of view is making a difference. Still having “differences of opinion” but fewer and I’m more conscious of when we hit one of my arbitrary rules. Turns out, I have a lot of them. A wonderful side effect is I’m feeling more content and more in control of myself – that’s a very nice feeling 🌻

I lost my voice…

A friend asked me today if I’d posted recently because she hadn’t seen any notifications.

I said “no, because I’ve been wrestling with what to say/write”. I started Wisdom of Friends because I wanted to share “a ha” moments that I, or my connections, experienced with the intent that our “a ha” moments may be beneficial to others.

Lately I haven’t had a ton of those moments and I’ve been working on figuring that out so I could possibly share that learning too!

I’m torn between a) I’m not having them because I’m in a bit of a stagnant period and b) I’m not having as many because I’m in a period of acceptance.

As an example – I’m feeling less (albeit not zero) of a need to analyze (dwell) on the bond to the people in my life, and also less of a need to “chase” connection. That sounds and feels like acceptance.

On the flip side, I find myself a little blah, not highly motivated (driven), pretty much in a “let it ride” mood. That sounds a little bit like mild depression (or what has been an indication of mild depression for me in the past).

But generally I’m not feeling a need to “fix” myself or my life. I’m not feeling like I need to “dig into” anything – which means I’m not finding as many “a ha!” nuggets and I have less angst that I want to offload with writing.

All this means I haven’t had a ton to say, and I’m not sure yet if that’s good of bad, but I’ll let your know when I figure it out 💞

So – if I have a take away to share it’s sometimes I believe it’s alright to drift. I had a chance to float on a drift boat on a river and learned that if you stay out of the weeds and pay gentle attention to what’s around you, you can have a pretty amazing day. Check out these 2 moose calves I saw that day – simply by drifting 🌻🌈

And thank you my friend for asking 😘

I quit my job!

Old patterns are hard to get rid of. For the past few months I’ve been working in a position that was fraught with politics and dysfunctional toxic behavior.

I’ve been sticking it out because we had expenses to manage and because although I’m working on a plan B, I don’t have all the pieces in place yet

One particularly stressful day I finally made it a priority to look at our household budget as opposed to trying to wrestle the problems of my current project into submission

Doing the math I realized that with the side gig I was working which is a corner stone of Plan B – I didn’t need to keep working at the job that had all issues the I’ve been trying to get away from.

It struck me as I felt this giant sense of relief once I decided to leave that without even realizing it up for the past several months I’ve been living in my old reality versus my new reality.

It just goes to show that the old saying wherever you go, there you are totally applies.

My stress behaviors of being short tempered and irritable, not paying attention to diet and exercise and talking in terms of being trapped or not having a choice have all been showing up.

I realized a couple of pretty cool learnings because I was thinking about all of this.

One – this time I realized in a couple of months that I had choices as opposed to a couple of years!

Two – the reason I had the choice to quit is because I have been actively focused for the past several years on building stability and flexibility into my life that left me room to make better choices for myself.

So … if you’re in a less than optimal situation, take a breath and evaluate.

Do you have options? If so, act on them. If not, start building the foundation to give yourself options. You can pave your own way 🌈💞🌻

Dwell on the good stuff…

 I am absolutely a dweller. It’s so easy at – least for me and I know from conversations with some of the people in my life – for a lot of us, to get caught up in remembering past mistakes and old hurts.

If we’re so good at remembering things then why don’t we challenge ourselves to dwell on prior triumphs and thoughtful gestures.

I was looking at a digital photo frame this evening that some dear friends gave me when I moved from the city where we all lived.

At first I found myself thinking a little bit critically about myself and some of the pictures because they’re of horseback riding and my form wasn’t perfect.

But then I found myself remembering the first horse show I went to and the love and support that my husband showed, taking special effort to share the memory of my recently passed father.

And that got me thinking about all the other really neat things he’s done for me and then that got me thinking about all the amazing people I’m lucky enough to know period.

Then of course my thoughts started going all over the place and I wondered how come it’s easier to bring those positive thoughts to mind than it used to be and how I can build that habit?

I guess it ties into the whole concept of remembering the things that we can be grateful for and there’s lots of people out there that recommend things like “every morning think of three things you’re grateful for” or “journal every night and think of things you’re grateful for”.

I’m not very good at establishing new daily habits, but I think I could train myself when replace negative dwelling by digging a little deeper and find a positive memory to replace whatever hurt or embarrassment is currently on my mind.

So while I’ll probably never stop being a dweller, I believe that we can learn to dwell on the good stuff! 💞🌻🌈

Wrestling financial demons…

Money makes me nauseous. Paying bills, committing to large expenses, paying the higher price for quality, all of these things freak me out. I make better than average money – at least right now, when/if I quit my day job….eeek!!! – and even though I have this financial security, I stress. Writing this post is knotting my stomach!

Due to my discomfort I pendulum; sometimes I’m frugal to the point of bad decisions (avoiding investing, not buying the best house in the best neighborhood I can afford, buying inexpensive clothes that look like crap and I hate so don’t wear…) and other times silly spendy (sure, “let’s spend $200 on golf, that’s not really much different than going to dinner” – but then we go to dinner too, and all the sudden a few “sure why nots” hit the card and I’m going “how the heck did our bill get to $4K?”).

For years my approach to managing money has been to chase higher pay. That is starting to come to an end because we’re planning for retirement – and I don’t know many people who get raises or bonuses in retirement. This means I need to get a handle on my finances and I know others who are going through similar challenges right now. They’ve changed careers/jobs; taken (received) the Corona virus pay cut, had major health issues that lead to debt, or just decided they’d like to figure out their financial future.

Getting a budget figured out is not much different than going on a diet or committing to an exercise plan – it’s all about getting honest / real now in order to reap future benefit – so I thought – let’s do it together!

Note: if you’re like me, and this stuff stresses you out, start your budgeting exercise when you don’t have a heavy day the next day. I wrote this over 2 days, and the night between I was awake from 1-4 AM! Oh well, I read a good book with my unexpected quiet/alone time… 😐

Step 1 – What do you need?

Yes, you can start with “how much do you have” but that doesn’t tell you if that’s enough, so first thing is, what are your expenses?

Don’t forget the non-monthly but big items (car insurance, taxes)

I’d encourage a line item for savings (I do my via auto withdrawal so it’s taken from my check in advance, I don’t count it as an expense, or income – it’s just “gone”)

Google “household budget template”, here are a few:

Or build your own – here’s a sample you can copy / paste into Google Sheets:

Item –  Primary Amount Frequency
Housing (Rent/Mortage)  $2,000.00 Monthly
Groceries  $800.00 Monthly
Water  $50.00 Monthly
Electric  $50.00 Monthly
Phone  $100.00 Monthly
Gas  $50.00 Monthly
Internet  $50.00 Monthly
Fuel  $100.00 Monthly
TV (Cable, Netflix, etc…)  $100.00 Monthly
Insurance (renters, home owners) $100.00 Monthly
Savings? $100.00 Monthly
Monthly  $3,500.00
Annual  $40,800.00
Item – Discretionary Amount Frequency
Eating out  $800.00 Monthly
Entertainment  $500.00 Monthly
Monthly  $1,300.00
Annual  $15,600.00
Step 2 – What do you have?

This is your current income, any savings (401k, piggy bank, HSA, FSA, under the mattress…) Create a similar spreadsheet to the one above, or Google it (try: “personal assets and liabilities template”), there are a ton of samples online.

Step 3 – Compare what you need with what you have.

Pour a glass of wine, meditate, get a bowl of ice cream – whatever your “soothe” is – do that first. This step is scary, but it’s critical to getting your arms around your finances. If you have more than you need, excellent! Next post we’ll discuss some ideas of what to do with it. If you have less than you need, that’s okay – now you can start figuring out why and we’ll look at that more next post, in the meantime, a few things to consider:

  • Do you truly track you’re spending? I swear, I “flush” $20/day. That’s $600/month!!! That’s a car payment (a nice car!)
  • Are you mixing needs and wants? Do you need 4 streaming services?
  • Are you paying a lot of interest? More than one card, student loans, other debt?
  • Are you leaving money on the table? I know folks who think “I can’t afford to contribute to my 401K” Well, after the tax savings, maybe you can? (And ALWAYS take the match!!!!!)
  • Are you monitoring your subscriptions? Can you ask your cable company for a discount? Phone company? Do you have old magazines on auto-pay?

To be fair, realistically many of us are truly tight for money, and also have some spending habits that are not helping us. Once you’ve done this exercise, figure out your true gap between need and have. That’s the hole we need to bridge. Now – if you’ve completed 1-3 and feel like you’ve got a bit of a handle on that, the next thing to tackle is:

Step 4 – What will you need?

This is challenging, it’s basically Step 1, but it’s all the things you’ll have to pay (or not pay) when you retire (or have a baby or get married, etc..) – and there’s no crystal ball so you’ll have to estimate.

People struggle with this because it feels completely unknown, but you know more than you think, and there are a gazillion examples out there. Trying Googling “how much do I need to retire”. Or – do it yourself. Here are a few things to consider:

Will your income be going up, down, staying flat? (Retirement, having babies, likely down (at least for a while), working on a Masters, probably up (eventually).

Where will you be living? Is housing more or less expensive? How about car insurance? Will you have medical or need to pay out of pocket.

Okay – if you’ve even read this far you’ve done a lot! Simply deciding to start thinking about managing your money is a big accomplishment. Go for a walk, do some yoga, eat some chocolate – some little treat/reward, and brainstorm your next actions.

Next post we’ll explore stuff like investment resources and debt management techniques.  Here’s to our financial adventure 🙂


Self-Promotion! Get good at it!

A few years ago a writer friend helped me with my resume, she gave me this list of verbs that offer alternatives to the terms we all use, over and over and over.

Check it out, see where you can be more impactful when you are communicating how amazing you are!

While you’re at it, here are a few other nuggets I’ve collected.

  • Keep the history to the last 10 years
  • Tailor your resume to the job you’re applying for
  • Either keep your resume in plain text, or have a plain text version. The automated processes on the back end will skip over important pieces, or just skip your whole resume if the formatting is too complicated or a non-importable format such as .pdf
  • Develop, and maintain, a list of your skills and accomplishments. This makes the tailored resume thing a bit less daunting.

I’ll add more as I think of it but for now, wanted to put this together to share the verb list 🙂

You Led a Project You Envisioned and Brought to Life a Project You Saved the Company Time or Money You Increased Efficiency, Sales, Revenue, or Customer Satisfaction
1. Chaired 13. Administered 34. Conserved 43. Accelerated
2. Controlled 14. Built 35. Consolidated 44. Achieved
3. Coordinated 15. Charted 36. Decreased 45. Advanced
4. Executed 16. Created 37. Deducted 46. Amplified
5. Headed 17. Designed 38. Diagnosed 47. Boosted
6. Operated 18. Developed 39. Lessened 48. Capitalized
7. Orchestrated 19. Devised 40. Reconciled 49. Delivered
8. Organized 20. Founded 41. Reduced 50. Enhanced
9. Oversaw 21. Engineered 42. Yielded 51. Expanded
10. Planned 22. Established 52. Expedited
11. Produced 23. Formalized 53. Furthered
12. Programmed 24. Formed 54. Gained
25. Formulated 55. Generated
26. Implemented 56. Improved
27. Incorporated 57. Lifted
28. Initiated 58. Maximized
29. Instituted 59. Outpaced
30. Introduced 60. Stimulated
31. Launched 61. Sustained
32. Pioneered
33. Spearheaded
You Changed or Improved Something You Managed a Team You Brought in Partners, Funding, or Resources You Supported Customers
62. Centralized 88. Aligned 108. Acquired 114. Advised
63. Clarified 89. Cultivated 109. Forged 115. Advocated
64. Converted 90. Directed 110. Navigated 116. Arbitrated
65. Customized 91. Enabled 111. Negotiated 117. Coached
66. Influenced 92. Facilitated 112. Partnered 118. Consulted
67. Integrated 93. Fostered 113. Secured 119. Educated
68. Merged 94. Guided 120. Fielded
69. Modified 95. Hired 121. Informed
70. Overhauled 96. Inspired 122. Resolved
71. Redesigned 97. Mentored
72. Refined 98. Mobilized
73. Refocused 99. Motivated
74. Rehabilitated 100. Recruited
75. Remodeled 101. Regulated
76. Reorganized 102. Shaped
77. Replaced 103. Supervised
78. Restructured 104. Taught
79. Revamped 105. Trained
80. Revitalized 106. Unified
81. Simplified 107. United
82. Standardized
83. Streamlined
84. Strengthened
85. Updated
86. Upgraded
87. Transformed
You Were a Research Machine You Wrote or Communicated You Oversaw or Regulated You Achieved Something
123. Analyzed 143. Authored 162. Authorized 174. Attained
124. Assembled 144. Briefed 163. Blocked 175. Awarded
125. Assessed 145. Campaigned 164. Delegated 176. Completed
126. Audited 146. Co-authored 165. Dispatched 177. Demonstrated
127. Calculated 147. Composed 166. Enforced 178. Earned
128. Discovered 148. Conveyed 167. Ensured 179. Exceeded
129. Evaluated 149. Convinced 168. Inspected 180. Outperformed
130. Examined 150. Corresponded 169. Itemized 181. Reached
131. Explored 151. Counseled 170. Monitored 182. Showcased
132. Forecasted 152. Critiqued 171. Screened 183. Succeeded
133. Identified 153. Defined 172. Scrutinized 184. Surpassed
134. Interpreted 154. Documented 173. Verified 185. Targeted
135. Investigated 155. Edited
136. Mapped 156. Illustrated
137. Measured 157. Lobbied
138. Qualified 158. Persuaded
139. Quantified 159. Promoted
140. Surveyed 160. Publicized
141. Tested 161. Reviewed
142. Tracked